ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE Online Screening

Due to COVID-19 and school closures, Early Learning Programs have been unable to have orientations for the Pembina Hills Preschool Programs. With that in mind, we have made contact with our Community Partners. In Swan Hills, Barrhead and Westlock Communities, our Community Partners are offering parents the opportunity to complete the online ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE screening. We have asked parents who have expressed an interest in our programs to take the opportunity to complete the screen.

This will help us to get to know your child better and help us determine their eligibility for our program.  Once you have completed the questionnaire, our Community Partners,  will score it and provide you with the results.  The Questionnaires are coming to Erin Chapotelle  at Family Networks, Westlock area; Rebecca Breitkreitz at Family Connections in the Barrhead area and; Carrie Rushoway at FCSS in the Swan Hills area. They will share results with you via email and/or a phone conversation. Once you receive the results, we would appreciate you sharing them with us so that we have more insight into your child.

Please see links below for the Community Partner near you:

Barrhead Family Connections ASQ-3 & ASQ-SE Link:

Swan Hills FCSS ASQ-3 & ASQ-SE Link:

Westlock Family Networks ASQ-3 & ASQ-SE Link:

If you have not shared your interest in our programs please see link below:

Posted on: June 9th, 2020