Our Pembina Hills Early Learning sites follow an Alberta curriculum called FLIGHT: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework. We believe that each child is a MIGHTY LEARNER and that our role as educators is to engage with the children in our classrooms as co-learners, co-researchers, and co-imaginers of possibilities. We value building strong relationships and honoring each child and their DISPOSITIONS TO LEARN.
Playing–inventing, creating, imagining, taking risks in the spirit of learning, building theories, and co-creating narratives in play.
Seeking– being curious about others and the world
Participating– with children, families and the community
Persisting-is pursuing an idea and/or looking for solutions
Caring-demonstrating concern for, providing time for, and suspending judgment of others
These dispositions to learn are nurtured and strengthened through daily interactions of care, play, and learning, all done within intentionally designed learning environments. One that gives children multiple ways to explore and/or create with open-ended materials naturally will strengthen the children’s dispositions to learn. We do all this within a spirit of fun and PLAY!
We would like to share with you some examples of how the dispositions are being nurtured in our C-PREP classroom.
During harvest time, we had some children very interested in the grain, machinery, and farm processes. These boys are PLAYING together and re-enacting what they know about grain harvest.
On the light table, these children are SEEKING to find out what happens when we use the eye droppers with colored water to mix colors and find out what happens.
The class is all PARTICIPATING in the song “Sleeping Bunnies” as we sing together.
This group of children are working together with PERSISTENCE to hammer the golf tees into the holes. How many can we get? Can we use up all the tees?
These girls are enjoying our classroom book with all of our pictures inside. When we read a book with our friend’s pictures inside, we are learning to CARE for, and celebrate them.
The above photos are only a small snapshot of how we nurture the dispositions of our preschool children in our Early Learning Programs, and specifically C-PREP at Eleanor Hall in Clyde.