Pembina Hills has a new addition to their Early Learning Preschool programs! S-PREP is in Swan Hills School. Currently, S-PREP has a Monday/Wednesday morning class and a Tuesday/Thursday morning class. This play based program is for 3 and 4 year olds. A skilled Educational Team comprised of Program Assistants, Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist,
Behavior Specialist and Early Education Teacher work together to plan the program and address the needs of the children.
Our S-PREP team is excited for the school year and all the fun learning experiences in store for our littles!
S-PREP Team: Shirley Craig (Early Learning Principal and Teacher), Kim Amor (Program Assistant), Amber Reeves (Program Assistant), Natasha Madden (Speech Language Pathologist), Charlene Assenheimer (Behavior Specialist), Taralee Warehime (Occupational Therapist).